Direct Certification Program
Direct Certification Program - your chance to prove you knowledge, skills and competencies! Don't waste money and time! Prove yourself NOW!
The Direct Certification Program is suitable for those of you who have the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of psychology, but do not have the necessary document to prove them. Now you have the opportunity to prove what you can and know without wasting huge amounts of money and time. You need to take a short exam in the form of a test and if you pass the test (you have 80% correct answers), we will certify you!
Why is this program right for you?
Because it saves you time and money!
What is the amount I need to pay to issue my certificate?
The only fee you need to pay is the fee for issuing your certificate (if you have successfully passed the exam before). The fee is $ 20.
How many times do I have the right to take the exam?
You have the right to take the exam an unlimited number of times until the moment of your success!
Do I have to pay for each exam?
No! You pay only if you want us to issue you an official document (certificate) for successfully passing an exam in a given field. This document certifies your knowledge, skills and competencies in this field.
When do I need to pay the certificate issuance fee?
After you have successfully passed the exam of your choice (you have at least 80% correct answers) and after you have submitted an application for the issuance of the certificate. This gives you the peace of mind that you will pay only for the issuance of your certificate and only after you have successfully passed the exam!
Claim your Certificate
Step 1:
Choose and take our free test to prove your knowledge, skills and competencies. You need to have at least 80% correct answers to go to STEP 2. If you do have, go to STEP 2.
Free Direct Certification Program Tests:
- Classical Psychoanalytic Theory – Certification Test
- Ego Psychology – Certification Test
- Object Relationship Theory – Certification Test
- Personality Disorders from a Psychoanalytic Perspective – Certification Test
- Psychodynamics of Child Abuse and Trauma – Certification Test
- Psychodynamics of the Therapeutic Relationship – Certification Test
- Psychoanalysis – Diploma Test
- Dream Analysis – Diploma Test (coming soon)
- Developmental Psychology – Diploma Test (coming soon)
- Stress Management – Certification Test
- Understanding Depression – Certification Test (coming soon)
- Understanding Domestic Violence – Certification Test (coming soon)
- Understanding Mental Retardation – Certification Test (coming soon)
- Understanding Burnout Syndrome – Certification Test (coming soon)
- Psychodynamic Psychology – Certification Test (coming soon)
- Personality Psychology – Certification Test (coming soon)
- Understanding Child Psychology and Aggressive Behaviour – Certification Test (coming soon)
Step 2:
After you have successfully passed the exam of your choice, you need to declare your desire to issue you a certificate certifying your achievements in the field (knowledge, skills, competencies). You can do it in the form below.
Step 3:
After successfully passing the first two steps, you now need to pay the required fee for the issuance of your certificate. The fee is $ 20. You can pay the fee by clicking the “Buy Now” button below. The payment is one-time. Once you have paid the fee and we receive your bank transfer, we will check your test results. If all goes well, you will receive your e-mail certificate within seven days.
You can check out our Psychology and Psychoanalysis Online Certification Courses or order other books about Psychology and Psychoanalysis directly at our official page at AMAZON.